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Table 1 Characteristics of the study population

From: Cutoff of the reverse shock index multiplied by the Glasgow coma scale for predicting in-hospital mortality in adult patients with trauma: a retrospective cohort study


Survival group

(n = 314,819)

In-hospital death group

(n = 3,687)


Time from injury to ED arrival (min)

41 (30, 60)

39 (28, 60)

 < 0.001

Age (years)

51 (35, 64)

68 (54, 77)

 < 0.001


193,603 (61.5)

2,535 (68.8)

 < 0.001

Patients with TBI

52,141 (16.6)

2,236 (60.6)

 < 0.001

Trauma mechanism


 < 0.001

 Traffic accident

118,924 (37.8)

1,833 (49.7)


 Fall down injury

117,431 (37.3)

1,657 (44.9)


 Blunt injury

54,843 (17.4)

128 (3.5)


 Penetrating injury

20,429 (6.5)

56 (1.5)



3,192 (1.0)

13 (0.4)


 SBP (mmHg)

136 (120, 152)

130 (100, 160)

 < 0.001

 SBP < 90, n (%)

3,737 (1.2)

715 (19.4)

 < 0.001

 DBP (mmHg)

80 (70, 90)

80 (60, 95)

 < 0.001

 HR (beats/min)

83 (75, 94)

90 (75, 110)

 < 0.001

 HR > 100, n (%)

54,339 (17.3)

1,342 (36.4)

 < 0.001

 HR < 60, n (%)

6,836 (2.2)

250 (6.8)

 < 0.001

 RR (breath/min)

20 (18, 20)

20 (18, 22)

 < 0.001

 BT (°C)

36.5 (36.3,3 6.8)

36.2 (36.0, 36.6)

 < 0.001


15 (15, 15)

8 (3,15)

 < 0.001

 GCS < 9, n (%)

3,254 (1.0)

1,904 (1.6)

 < 0.001


9 (8, 18)

41 (25,66)

 < 0.001


24.03 (24.45, 28.21)

10.84 (5.50, 19.84)

 < 0.001

  1. Frequency (%) or median (interquartile range); ED Emergency departments, TBI Traumatic brain injury, SBP Systolic blood pressure, DBP Diastolic blood pressure, HR Heart rate, RR Respiratory rate, BT Body temperature, EMR-ISS Excess mortality ratio-adjusted injury severity score, rSIG Reverse shock index multiplied by Glasgow Coma Scale
  2. aOther contains the low-frequency injury mechanisms, such as injury by machine