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Table 3 Outcome comparison between sepsis and septic shock patients

From: An observational study on the impact of overcrowding towards door-to-antibiotic time among sepsis patients presented to emergency department of a tertiary academic hospital


Total sepsis patients (N = 170)

Sepsis without shock (N = 137)

Septic shock (N = 33)


In-hospital mortality, n (%)

46 (27.0)

31 (22.6)

15 (45.5)


LOS, median in days, (IQR)

5 (0–47)

5 (0–47)

5 (0–25)


  1. LOS, length of stay; IQR, interquartile range
  2. P < 0.05 is statistically significant
  3. aPearson chi-square test
  4. bMann-Whitney U test
  5. *Denotes statistical significance of p < 0.05