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Table 1 Qualitative phase interview questions

From: Navigating into the unknown: exploring the experience of exposure to prehospital emergency stressors: a sequential explanatory mixed-methods

Main Questions


1. Can you describe your experience of exposure to prehospital emergency stressors as an emergency medical technician?

2. What are some of the most challenging situations you have encountered in your work as an emergency medical technician?

3. How do you cope with the emotional and physical demands of your job?

4. Can you describe a time when you felt particularly overwhelmed or stressed on the job?

5. What challenges do you face from the time you announce the mission to the time you arrive at the scene of the accident?

6. What factors stress you the most when you are at the scene of the accident?

7. Which pre-hospital emergency do you experience the most stress?

8. How do you feel your experiences of exposure to prehospital emergency stressors have impacted you personally and professionally?

9. Can you describe any support or resources that have been helpful in managing the challenges of your job?

10. How do you feel your experiences of exposure to prehospital emergency stressors have impacted your relationships with colleagues, friends, and family?

11. Can you describe any changes you have noticed in yourself since beginning your work as an emergency medical technician?

12. How do you feel your experiences of exposure to prehospital emergency stressors have impacted your overall job satisfaction?

13. Can you describe any specific moments or experiences that have been particularly meaningful or rewarding in your work as an emergency medical technician?

• Can you provide more detail about that experience?

• How did you feel in at that moment?

• Can you describe any physical or emotional symptoms you experienced in response to that stressor?

• Can you provide an example of a time when you felt supported in managing the challenges of your job?

• Can you describe any specific strategies you use to cope with the demands of your job?

• Can you provide an example of a time when you felt particularly stress of your work as an emergency medical technician?