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Table 3 Baseline characteristics of vignettes

From: Patient factors associated with conveyance decision-making by Emergency Medical Services professionals in patients with a syncope: a cross-sectional factorial survey design

Patient factor

Category (level)


Total of vignettes, n



Origin of event, n (%)

a. During rest

b. During exercise

829 (50.4%)

817 (49.6%)

Triggering factors, n (%)

a. No triggering factors

b. Pain

c. Emotion(al)

d. Prolonged standing

388 (23.6%)

377 (22.9%)

449 (27.3%)

432 (26.2%)

Prodromal symptoms, n (%)

a. No prodromal symptoms

b. Light headedness/dizziness

c. Nausea, paleness, sweating

d. Visual disturbances

416 (25.3%)

405 (24.6%)

429 (26.1%)

396 (24.1%)

Red flags, n (%)

a. No red flags

b. Sudden cardiac death < 40 years of age, in family history

c. Cardiovascular abnormalities, pulmonary embolism or pulmonary hypertension in medical history

d. First syncopal episode > 35 years of age

438 (26.6%)

421 (25.6%)

402 (24.4%)

385 (23.4%)

Prehospital ECG, n (%)

a. Normal ECG

b. Abnormal ECG

840 (51.0%)

806 (49.0%)

  1. Abbreviations: ECG – electrocardiogram