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Table 5 Subgroup Analyses Performance of H-FABP with hs-cTn and ECG according to duration from symptom onset to sample collection

From: Heart Fatty Acid Binding Protein and cardiac troponin: development of an optimal rule-out strategy for acute myocardial infarction

Hours from onset of symptoms to sample collection

Proportion of patients with documented date and time of symptom onset, n (%)

Optimal combinationa : ECG positive or hs-cTnI ≥10 ng/L or H-FABP ≥4.3 ng/mL

Optimal combinationa : ECG positive or hs-cTnT ≥7.6 ng/L or H-FABP ≥3.9 ng/mL

Sensitivity (%)

Proportion Negative Test Patientsb

Sensitivity (%)

Proportion Negative Test Patientsc

<3 h

215 (21)

100.0 (96.0 to 100.0)

43.3 %

100.0 (96.0 to 100.0)

34.4 %

3–6 h

273 (27)

100.0 (93.7 to 100.0)

43.2 %

98.2 (90.7 to 99.7)

34.4 %

>6 h

528 (52)

98.7 (95.3 to 99.6)

38.4 %

99.3 (96.3–99.9)

30.3 %

  1. aStrategy that yielded the maximum proportion of low-risk patients whilst maintaining a minimum sensitivity for AMI of 99 %
  2. bP-value is 0.30 for comparison of proportion of negative test patients between subgroups (chi-square analysis)
  3. cP-value is 0.37 for comparison of proportion of negative test patients between subgroups (chi-square analysis)